Yamila, Yamila! The beautiful Yamila Gonzalez of '
Yamila Gonzalez...justi... por su gracia.' thoughtfully tagged me for, "
The 6 Things That Makes You Happy" and here is a little insight about me:
*note that these are in no circumstance in order of importance/higher value
*because there is just so many things that make me happy, the six i'm listing are things that are currently circulating in my little head of mine
*i'm making a desperate attempt to share something that isn't predictable of me(haha)
#1: Funny that I start off with something as unusual as this, but I recently discovered this book again in a dissholved little corner of my room and began re-reading it again. Anthony Burgess is so talented, yes
'A Clockwork Orange' is really dark and horrifying but it holds deep insights in this complex world of ours. It makes me happy to think that nothing is perfect in this world as much as everyone is trying to make it out to be. Of course it
did catch Andy Warhol's eye, come on...
#2: It's amusing that Greece makes me so unbelievably happy and I have yet to travel there. Nevertheless, it's has and always remain as my number one destination for me. I love the culture, the isles and the beautiful ocean, the food, the people, the structures and history. It's just all too stunning to me.
#3: Ryan Adams...need I say more?
#4: I once told myself that I would marry someone who would make me a falling garden. I wasn't lying. This beautiful piece was created by the artists
GERDA STEINER & JÖRG LENZLINGER who amazingly developed,
this in the San Staë church on the Canale Grande50th Biennial of Venice, 2003
and this in Abbey Library of St.Gall, 2005
#5: Very childish, and playful but a big happiness of mine is just enjoying the many beauties of nature. Picking flowers, running in grass and absorbing the glorious sunlight just puts a smile on my face any day.
#6: I am so very happy to announce my last 'happy' thing, Carla Venticinque [Home * Carla Venticinque] is a truely talented artist. Her collages are so brilliant and breath-taking, everyone needs to enjoy her art!
Rules of Tag:
1) link back to the person who tagged you.
2) post these rules on your blog.
3) share 6 things that put a smile on your face.
4) pass the tag along to 6 other fabulous blogs.
5) let the tagged people know by leaving a comment on their blogs
I am tagging:
1) Nil: Eyes of Me
2) Esther: rhapsody in boots
3) Eeli: Aphex Nation
4) Rita: Keep a Blog Alive
5) Kim: Style's Only Vice
6) Indy: The Fabulosity Factor
Thanks again so much Yamila! I had fun blogging about these :) PS, i'm not too sure how this works...the 6 people that I tagged, i'll notify you!!
Thanks for reading!